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Writer's picturePaul Rideout

A Year of Growth

This has been quite the year.  Grace and I have been through some health scares, some family joys, ministry growth, and job craziness.  Yet through all of these things God has provided.  This year has been a time where we have really had to lean into our faith in God.  He has built in us a deeper trust and appreciation for his care and concern for us.  

Life has been a journey this year. The paths Grace and I have taken haven’t been the easiest. Here are some things that we have learned from events that have occurred in our lives.

Don’t take life for granted.  

At the end of last year and the beginning of this year, I went through a health scare.  I thought that I was having a stroke and two things hit me hard. One that I was going to die and be with Jesus, or that I would lose my mind and not be able to think, write, or generally process information in the same way I used to.  I was definitely scared.  Later we found out it was complicated migraines and that I would be fine.  And since those initial incidents I have been healthy.  Praise the Lord! But through that, I have realized how facing death is scary. Even when I know I get to see Jesus face to face, there are still things that I want to accomplish, time I want to cherish, and people I want to help.  Because of this time I realize more than ever the limited time we have on this planet to fulfill whatever the purpose it is that God has called us to.  Jesus said you got to do the work while it's daylight because when the night comes no work can be done (John 9:4).  That means we have to do whatever it is with the time God has given us because there will be time when that time has run out.  

God takes care of his own

I talked about a medical scare above but another happened this year too.  Grace got pneumonia.  And if you’ve never had it or been around someone who has, it can be quite scary.  Grace was out of it. She was completely bed ridden for 3 or 4 weeks.  She couldn’t do anything.  We had to change plans to events we were scheduled to attend and find a place to stay so she could find adequate rest for recovery. This involved losing money we had already spent and spending money not planned to be used so that this could happen.  We were unsure where the money was going to come from but God provided.  And now I had to get surgery on my knee and the same situation arose.  Where will we stay and how will we pay for the surgery?  But still in the midst of all these questions God has provided.  Grace’s job gave her extra sick leave, more donations came in from you guys for Trust in Jesus Ministries, and family members and friends loaned us vehicles and places to stay during these times.  God truly provides for his people in times of desperate need!   

Discipline is a Lifestyle

I have found that discipline must become a lifestyle.  It is a mentality that must be incorporated in everything.  Grace and I have been walking through a fitness journey and one thing that we have found is that what we do must be a lifestyle.  This lifestyle translates into everything that we do.  Specifically food, weight training, “cheat days”, rest, sleep, work, all the things we do must be implemented in our lives.  Worship is no different.  If these things are important to us we must do them. But they must be integrated as part of how we do life from now on.  When we’ve stopped our routine or when we’ve decided to skip on something we do regularly, that's when we slip up on all our other things.  We begin to become lazy or apathetic about the other things we have going on. This is when old habits and thoughts resurface and we start regression instead of progress.  A disciplined lifestyle is definitely difficult to maintain especially when we live in a nomadic lifestyle. Things are never really the same. And compound that with the health scares that have occurred, it has been hard. That's all the more why it is important to create a lifestyle of discipline.

God has taught Grace and I some hard lessons this year.  We have had to lean on him more than ever.  Our lives have been molded and shaped to look more like him through these things and we are more than grateful for them.  May God continue to bless us through these bruises in the year to come.  And may he show you through your scars how much he loves you and how he wants you to be the greatest version of yourself. God bless and Happy New Year.

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. John 9:4

Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Ephesians 5:15-17

Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:7-10

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About Me

me and grace.HEIC

I am a servant of Jesus looking to grow everyday in knowing my savior more.  I am married to the most amazing woman. I have an MDiv from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and I am looking to pursue my Doctorate soon.


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